
Monday, May 12, 2014

Why we are homeschooling...


I have thought long and hard about how to put my thoughts about homeschooling in to this blog post. So I guess I will start with a little background of how I saw homeschooled kids. When I was in college, I knew of a few kids that were homeschooled. They had to be the most healthy family I have ever met. I even stayed a couple of nights with the kids so the parents could go away and I was so amazed by how well they all were with me in charge as a 19 year old.

Now fast forward 3 years and I graduated college, moved out of state, and became a youth pastor. I met another homeschooling family. And their family dynamic was very unhealthy. The kids were sheltered to the point that even church events were some times off limits. The parents were very controlling to the point of constantly yelling and demeaning the kids in public. Those kids I had to watch as they pushed boundaries and rebelled with a force that I have never seen before. It broke my heart in two.

Then fast forward two years after that, I am about to marry a public school teacher. We are talking about how we would want our future children to be educated. And we talked about every possibility. Because of the first family I was not completely turned off from homeschooling. My husband, because of the 2nd family was a little more. Thankfully, because of his open mind to allowing kids to learn the best way that fits their needs, he wasn't completely against the idea.

And now, 9 years later...

I am no longer a youth pastor but a stay at home mom. My husband is no longer a public school teacher because they don't pay teachers enough for him to support his family. However, we have family members that are very active in the public school system.

I had always thought that I would put my children in the best public school in our district. I was a substitute teacher in the very same district (where my husband was also a teacher). I was able to see and experience and get into the inside, where most parents don't get to, and decide based on all of my 8 years of experience which school was, in my opinion, the best school to put my son. I was ready, I had the open enrollment form all filled out and ready to turn in the very next day. I knew he was going to get the very best education our school district had to offer. I loved the principle, the teachers, and the parents at this school. There was not one hint of hesitancy in my mind that this is where my kids would go.

Then, I started to brush my teeth for bed. My husband was getting ready for bed as well. I turn to him and I say, "I think I want to homeschool our kids." His response, "Ok, why?" And all I could say was, "I am home full time now. You and I both have degrees in education. We both have taught kids from every age group, from every background, why would I send my kid some where to be taught when I could easily teach him here? And you can help." After that moment, my husband got really excited about being able to be involved as well because his work schedule would allow for it. He liked that our state is a very homeschool friendly state and that there are plenty of ways to keep our boys involved in the world around them.

See, my big hiccup with homeschool was that people want to shelter their kids. Keep them surrounded by other like minded kids and families.  And yes, I see that they need that more than ever in a world where people are forced to grow up too fast. But I want my boys to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. I want them to be in the middle of the world of the lost and love on them and show them the Way to Jesus. I don't want them to not know that there are lost souls out there and I won't let them near them. I want them "to be in the world and not of the world".  Jesus didn't stay home and stay away from others until it was time for him to give himself up for the sins of the world. He was out there ministering and serving and loving on the MOST unlovable people. I want to show my kids how to  love the people in this world the way Jesus did/does.

This is my journey. My oldest has 5 days left in preschool. After that, I am going to homeschool my kids. Whether you agree with my reasons or not. Isn't that the joy of homeschool? You don't have to go along with my plans. :) You can do what you feel is best for your family. And if you are intrigued by my reasons, then please, take this journey with me. Let's learn together. I am really looking forward to my first year and God willing many more years to come.

 These are my boys. I love them so much that I want to do this for them. I really feel this is what the Lord is calling us as a family to do.

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